Life Altering Illness
Barbara Henderson
My latest blood work shows I am cancer
free. That is wonderful news. But I am still a very frail person with
limited physical ability. The truth is
that I had extreme fatigue for several years prior to getting my cancer
diagnosis. As I recover from the cancer
treatment I find that the extreme fatigue is even worse than before. I had some glimmer of hope that the chemo
might take care of some weird bug that was causing the fatigue. Apparently that hasn’t happened. My life prior to cancer seems pretty much
like my life today. I don’t have the
energy to sweep the floor without needing to sit down and rest for an hour.
So, even if the cancer stays away, and
I pray that it does, my life is still completely different that it was when I
actually felt well.
I have noticed that there are quite a
few things that are the same in treatment for a wide variety of illness. Get plenty of rest and boost the immune
system seems to be pretty standard for just about anything. It turns out that life altering illness
covers a very wide range of actual illnesses.
With that in mind I am changing the focus of this blog from cancer
specifically to any illness that alters how someone is living his/her
would like to approach anyone reading this who has faced or is facing any life
altering illness to write a guest post for this blog.
Here are a few guidelines for article
am a committed Christian. Nothing that is negative regarding Christianity would
be accepted. That includes but is not
limited to mindless meditation and yoga.
If you have a form of religion that differs from traditional
conservative Christianity simply leave that out of the article.
experience is good. I am interested in
your story, how you are coping, concerns you may have, your personal support
group, and anything you find helpful or insightful.
with which you have personal experience.
List the good and the bad. I do
hate wasting money on things that simply do not work.
I post your article on my blog you will not receive any money for your
post. I will not use your work anywhere
except on my blog. You retain full
curse words. No gossip about anyone.
Keep the tone of your article kind. (Follow these rules – Is it True? Is it kind?
Is it helpful?)
an article does not mean your article will be used.
you submit an article you agree to these terms.
· put ‘blog article submission’ in the subject
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